Jim Golden
Negotiation Counsel
- JGOLDEN@scopelitis.com
- (423) 443-8695

As Negotiation Counsel at the Scopelitis firm, Jim Golden helps companies negotiate prompt, reasonable and humane settlements of claims arising out of major accidents and other disputes. Litigation is often avoided all together or substantially shortened. Injured individuals and grieving families are treated fairly and with genuine compassion. Costs for companies are reduced.
An Interview with Jim Golden about Negotiation Counsel:
*Disclaimer: please note that the negotiation counsel approach may not bear fruit for your company and that any expectation that the same results as reflected on this site could be obtained for other Scopelitis clients in similar matters, without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case, would be unjustified. All testimonials are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a promise or guarantee as to the outcome of your specific case.
Beyond Empathy*
“Many companies think they are handling claims in the best possible manner, but Jim takes the process to an entirely different level.” – David R. Parker, Chairman and CEO, Covenant Transportation Group, Inc.
When I first heard about Jim Golden’s work, I figured it was nothing more than the empathetic approach that many companies use…I now view his Negotiation Counsel Model as a major advance…” – In-house Counsel of a Transport Topics “Top-10” Private Motor Carrier